Attorney Paul Galvin is Vice-President/Senior Associate at TAG Associates and has been with the firm for almost seventeen (17) years. Mr. Galvin is actively involved in the areas of mixed finance redevelopment, organizational reviews and risk assessments, PHA affiliates and instrumentalities and grant and funding applications.
Mr. Galvin is the Project Manager for TAG’s provision of program management services to the Housing Authority of the City of New Haven as they undertake several large scale redevelopment projects, both as self-developers through an Authority instrumentality and in partnership with private developers. Projects in New Haven include Eastview Terrace, the Authority’s first self-development project which was a 102 unit combined rehab and new construction project for which financing was obtained for the $45 million first phase, including the drafting by Mr. Galvin of successful applications for 9% low income housing tax credits and Federal Home Loan bank grant funds. Assistance was also provided to meet the due diligence requirements of all regulatory agencies, tax credit investors and funding sources and in the review of evidentiary documents in support of a financial closing. This project was completed and fully occupied in 2009 and converted to permanent financing in 2010. Other New Haven projects currently in process include Wilmot Road, the self-development of a multi-story 47 unit senior building built upon a former commercial site purchased by the Authority that also contains retail and commercial space and which was financed through the use of 9% tax credits and investor equity and construction and permanent financing through a private financial institution. This project is completed and re-occupied.
Mr. Galvin also has direct experience working with the Section 8 program. Mr. Galvin successfully completed a risk assessment of the over 40,000 unit Section 8 Department of the Housing Authority of Los Angeles (HACLA) in 2011, reviewing all divisions and identifying those areas where more stringent internal controls will be required. Other Section 8 work includes the recent review and assessment of operations with recommendations for improvements, as well as the drafting of standard operating procedures and providing of training at the Durham (NC) Housing Authority, the drafting of procedures and an Administrative Plan, as well as oversight for the DHAP program administration, for the Montgomery (AL) Housing Authority, the updating of procedures for the Client Placement Division of the District of Columbia Housing Authority, and providing supporting analysis and documentation for successful litigation with property owners and contractors on behalf of PHAs in Indianapolis and Houston.
Mr. Galvin assisted the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Associate of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (MassNAHRO) in assessing recommendations developed by the Governor’s Commission for Sustainability and Reform which proposed that the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) undertake a series of actions to centralize key management functions of PHAs involved in the management of state aided public housing. He was the primary author of a position paper that proposed a more regional and collaborative effort among PHAs for the delivery of certain housing services, as well as a performance measurement system designed to promote local control and also ensure transparency and accountability in housing management operations. The position paper was utilized as the basis for MassNAHRO’s eventual proposed legislation for which several of the paper’s recommendations were included.
Mr. Galvin is also currently serving in the role as Project Manager for the Receivership of the Housing Authority of Kansas City (MO), working directly for the Receiver and now Special Master in the oversight of all areas of agency operations. He was a member of the Post- Receivership Governance Working Group, participating in the process to establish and train a new Board of Directors and in the drafting of enabling legislation. Mr. Galvin is also actively involved in the development of the annual Receivership Plan and budget that is submitted annually for Court approval. Mr. Galvin participated in the 2011 review and risk assessment of the development affiliate of the Philadelphia Housing Authority and is currently assisting in the implementation of the report’s recommendations. He has also participated in prior management assessments in Houston, San Francisco, Durham and Trenton in the areas of legal, procurement and contracting and Section 8 and in Moving to Work (MTW) risk assessments in both Cambridge (MA) and New Haven.