TAG has an existing contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) since 2004 whereby it is a pre-approved vendor that can bid or be awarded task order work through federal government suppliers. We are authorized to participate in multiple categories under Financial and Business Solutions (FABS – Category 520) and Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS – Category 874)) as follows:

Services Offered:

SIN 874-1 – Consulting Services – TAG is well-experienced in the conducting of departmental or organizational assessments with recommendations for improved efficiencies; in the development of strategic plans to define future goals, objectives and performance measures; in the development of business plans to guide future operations based upon anticipated sources of funds; in conducting compliance audits to ensure conformity with program regulations/requirements; and in assisting agencies with portfolio planning and deciding where to allocate finite resources.

SIN 874-7 – Program Integration and Project Management  – TAG has participated in numerous redevelopment projects as part of the HOPE VI and other mixed finance and affordable housing programs, serving as program manager and/or financial advisor. Tasks have included the negotiation of development agreements and other evidentiary documents, the review and analysis of project financial feasibility, assistance with obtaining funding sources (low-income housing tax credits, HOME, CDBG and FHLB funds, other public and private sources), progress reporting, transitioning to housing and asset management functions and the review of legal, management and financial documents.

SIN 520-1 – Program Financial Advisor – TAG has advised and assisted numerous clients on acquisition and redevelopment projects. These services have included market feasibility analysis, the development and review of pro formas, preparation of project cash flows and funding source applications, assistance in the negotiation of financial commitments with lenders, tax credit investors, underwriters and development partners, review and analysis of transaction documents, preparation and/or evaluation of mixed-finance proposals and assistance with the regulations/requirements of major funding sources and housing programs.

SIN 520-7 – Financial and Performance Audits – TAG has experience in reviewing the full spectrum of internal controls and sampling protocols in support of its development of internal audit control plans for its housing authority clients with the goal to ensure compliance with budgetary and legal, contractual and regulatory requirements. TAG has also conducted risk assessment reviews for larger clients whereby it reviews systems and internal control processes of individual departments to determine vulnerability to risk in several areas, including financial loss and provided recommendations for improvements.

SIN 520-11 – Accounting Services – TAG is well-versed in working on ensuring the integrity of financial data, transaction processing, data analysis, the creation of policies and procedures, the review of financial operations and recommendations for improvements, the development of transactional analyses and establishment of accounting and reporting protocols for mixed finance projects, the design and implementation of cost centers and project-based accounting systems and the development, review and analysis of cost allocation methodologies.

SIN 520-12 – Budgeting – TAG has extensive experience in the development and monitoring of operating, capital and project budgets, in the drafting of policies and procedures to define the processes, in recommending corrective budget adjustments, in the design and implementation of project-based budgeting systems, in the development of departmental and agency-wide budgets, in the creation of budget tracking reports and in the analysis of revenues and expenses and budgeted versus actual figures.

SIN 520-13 – Complementary Financial Management Services – One of TAG’s primary areas of expertise is the provision of financial management technical assistance. Services include the development of strategic financial plans to guide future operations, operational reviews with recommendations for improved efficiencies, performance measures and staffing benchmarks, the creation of financial reporting systems, policy and procedure formulation and training and the review and analysis of financial reports and statements.

SIN 520-14 – Audit and Financial Training Services – TAG has provided staff training for large public housing agencies on financial management policies and procedures, on project-based budgeting and accounting systems, on the procurement function, on mixed finance development and the recording of transactions, on cost allocations and on monthly reporting systems. In addition, we have assisted clients in responding to audit findings and implementing corrective actions in response to audits of the HUD Office of Inspector General and conducted mock compliance audits in advance of anticipated reviews.